Monday, March 2, 2009

Documentary Progress

After returning from Russia, Ukraine and other European countries a few months ago, we've been in full post-production mode on this film.  The last few interviews I conducted in Russian and Polish are being translated and transcribed now and should be finished very soon.  The script, which is based on the footage we acquired all over the world for the last 18 months, is being shaped into a story that not only addresses this tragedy on a historical and political level, but much more importantly brings a personal element to the story that everyone can relate to.

Your Family's Story

Please tell us about your family connection to this tragedy.

Welcome and Introduction

Thank you for visiting the Goats Hill blog!  Here you will find updates about the film's progress and I'm also interested in any stories you may have about your family's connection to Katyn.  You're welcome to post in Polish if it's easier.